We trust you all had a lovely beginning to the 2023 year. Now that Covid restrictions are finally gone, life feels a little more like normal.

The past 8 months or so found our lifestyle put on hold as we assisted family on shore.

There was retaining, grassing, and tree removal work done around the back. Bob’s know how really came to the fore. I emptied the garden tubs, then got the fruit & veg plots going.

I think Bob had a bit of fun with the big tools, although the bobcat was a knee breaker.


That second shot is where the caravan went during our stay.

A break in November took us on a break across country. It was an interesting trip as we traversed countryside in flood.

On returning to Adelaide, we went back to the grindstone. It was inside, where my major work was undertaken. Bob painted the ceiling and tiled. I followed behind to paint the walls, doors and woodwork, then grouted. I never realised how back breaking that grouting would be!

We also found the need for some simple fencing

to protect the future garden from a big black thing that loves to dig. That all done, Bob and I set to removing all of the bark.

Mid February found our work completed for the moment and the family were finally able to truly enjoy their new abode.

Filled with a feeling of accomplishment, it was time for us to return to the lifestyle we both love so much.

We have never seen Australia so green at the end of summer and it was a sight to behold. Then there were the fogs because the air is so full of water vapour…

Back on board at last, Bob and I are finding our ‘centres’ once more and enjoying the feeling of a boat moving on the water once more.

As always, there is work to be done. We love our new bench top colour!

From this



One morning there was a delightful surprise. Right next to the boat were these little beauties. We had never seen them alive, just on deck after a storm. They were busy feeding on a Blue Bottle. This is one of the reasons why we love our life so much.

At this stage, Bob and I haven’t decided how this year is going to pan out, but once the travels commence,  the posts will become a regular once more.