Category Archive

2014 2014
And the saga continues….

Painting and the demoulding of the forward lazarettes is completed (always a continuing saga on boats when in the tropics). In just a few minutes I will be into the bilges once again – drying the compartments and rinsing/drying/vacuum bagging the cans this time. Bob is heading out to replenish the gas bottles and doing a few of […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 13

Bone weary and mentally drained, this was proving the most difficult leg to date. The high in place for an additional day, gave us 24 hours up our sleeve, and with poor wind strength did we need it!!! Regularly checking with Peri Peri for weather updates……. Midday: at long last, although light, the winds turned […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 12

The north easterlies at long last arrived! Another drama as the wretched throttle wouldn’t engage, so with engine off, rocking and rolling we were during the process of raising the sails once more. A bit of investigation later, it turned out the second throttle in the cockpit had been knocked into gear, thereby blocking the […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 11

Upon my awaking, there was Bob setting the main: the long awaited Easterlies had arrived, or, so he thought. What a farceur that wind had been!!!! Main and Asymmetric out, that bug bear of nature receded once more. Grrrrrrrrrr…….!!!!! Down it all came. Like an imp, the wind frolicked with Bob throughout the day: up, […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 10

After struggling with light winds overnight, conditions finally reached the ultra – light level and without our twins, (remember, we were unable to use the combination until the alteration to the rig was undertaken). All sails were brought on board and Big Bertha thrummed to life. Two days remained, of the journey – touch wood!! […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 9

17:30, 440nm remained. This was the evening we commenced listening to Roy on Peri Peri Radio, a South African service that provided twice daily weather updates and advice. South Africa is notorious for the development of localised weather fronts. All was well.

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 7
Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 6

Daybreak, no sign of the tempest waning, our position below Madagascar where the South Equatorial Current ran with speeds of one to three knots and a series of underwater mountain ridges rose, meant running with the storm was not an option as the SW would blow us directly toward that shallower tract of water: not […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 5

Morning broke, squalls at last behind us, the sea had reverted to that of tranquility and no wind: Big Bertha to the rescue once more… Aware that winds containing an increased wind strength of twenty plus knots was heading our way, the sails were once more reefed. An ‘on the nose’ SW blew in with […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 4

What a night, as squall upon squall swept over us from the north east. Winds blowing at thirty plus knots, saw us heading out more than once to further reef the Gennie and make adjustments to the sheets. We were the fortunate ones last night, for upon the distant horizon we were spectators to a […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 3

Early evening, radio contact was made with Kind of Blue, Sula, Three Ships, Kite and a few others ahead of us. Modern technology is a god send, as one could discuss position and weather/sea conditions ahead. All was looking good. (As Bob says… “What can possibly go wrong?”)

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 2

The excitement for the day occurred at the setting of the sun as the Hesperides drifted westward across the sky, leaving in their wake the black of night. A tower of cumulus that had been building over Reunion all day made the decision to head our way. In conjunction with this, a gargantuan red blob […]

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa, Day 1

Hours prior to our departure, we were entertained by a sizeable fish acquiring his underwater breakfast. The unsuspecting morsel sighted, he stealthily stalked his prize through the murky waters. Without warning, the hunter burst forth in a flash of speed, in a blur of motion capturing its prey between razor sharp teeth. With jaws creating […]

Reunion Departure Preparations

A busy day as preparations for departure commenced. Boat washed inside and out, bread cooked, Rum Slice made, washing completed, Gratis packed. The replacement parts for the Gennie should have arrived. Bob up top impatiently awaiting, as everyone stops work at 4pm here – only 10 minutes to go. Adendum to that: they are arriving […]

Reunion Departure

It looks like we may possibly be departing Tuesday.

The Volcano and Cirque de Salaos

Reunion Snapshot

So much to see, so much to do, so little time……… Yesterday we completed following the N2 and N1 highway routes. Words can’t describe some of the sights we have seen: tropical rain forest, old lava flows upon which new life already flows, highlands reminding one of the European alps, rugged mountain tops and dry arid land […]

Le Port to St Pierre

Our first day of true exploration. Keeping to the coast road we discovered what a stunning island this is! The rainy season still to announce its arrival, the rugged dry brown slopes of the north reminded us so much of our homeland. Ravines, deep gaping channels created from years of volcanic reaction and weathering of […]

Le Port to Saint Denis to St Paul

In search of an Orange (Telstra equivalent) Bob and I carried out a short exploration of the region closest to us. Densely built up, the buildings are well cared for, such a difference to Rodrigues and Mauritius. Reminders of the country’s early years are evident, as large remnants of walls and structures utilised within the […]