Category Archive

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands, Day 8

A week since our departure from Carnarvon: how the time had flown. A cold front that passed by down south caused the winds to freshen and become southerly. This increase in wind speed, enabled the sails to fully fill, thereby providing us with not only a faster sail but a much smoother ride inside Gratis. […]

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands, Day 7

Awaking for my 3am shift, Bob informed me the bowed starboard whisker pole (the one bent on the first night out) had become a boomerang. Almost disbelieving, I turned on the floodlights and peered out. It surely was!!!!! As a result of the colossal pressure now being exerted upon it, we furled the Gennie, unhitched […]

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands, Day 6

The wind died by 5 knots: seemingly not a lot, but enough to cause yet another sail change! Grrrrrrr………!!! I received a bit of a shock on peering out the starboard pilot house window this particular morning. Roughly a mile from us, in between the swells was a 200 metre long oil tanker quietly sliding […]

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands, Day 5

Barometer 1017, temperature 25 degrees, we were officially over the 20 degree line. 778 nm covered, 450 remaining!! An uneventful day’s sail.

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands, Day 4

08:40 and we were now parallel with North West Cape, Australia. As a rain squall passed across the bow some distance ahead, Bob steered a course to the west in order to avoid confrontation. The sea temperature had risen to 25.5 degrees: what a difference to the 17 degrees in Carnarvon. With the warmer air, […]

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands, Day 3

Farewell sun! Grey overcast skies greeted us this particular morning. Clouds drifted lazily across the heavens, seemingly only metres off the waters. This was a day of watching for squalls and waiting for the predicted wind shift, whilst the Cuvier Basin was traversed. Another day of drama, although not to do with Gratis. The first […]

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands Day 2

122nm covered, morning now upon us, down came the twins and into the bag they were stowed. With only one good 6.5m pole we could no longer fly them. It was time to reorganise the sail set up. Although slightly bent, Bob decided the starboard twin’s pole would still be fine for holding the smaller […]

Carnarvon to Cocos Keeling Islands, Day 1

05:20, we arose to tranquil waters, a 15 knot breeze and the chill air of winter brushing our rosy warm cheeks. After long months of final preparation, that long awaited day had arrived: Cocos, here we come!!!!! Last minute chores completed, many of our Carnarvon friends visited for a last minute natter: there was no […]

Indian Ocean Crossing the Hard Way versus the ‘Milk Run’

Thanks to Somalian pirates the traditional and much easier northern ‘Milk Run’ route through south East Asia, India and the Suez Canal is no longer an option, and it was armed with this foreknowledge on the possible conditions to be faced that we commenced our first Oceanic crossing. For many geographical and climatic reasons, the […]

Satellite Telephone Dock has Arrived

The dock has arrived. It looks like Saturday will be the day for our departure.


The satellite phone dock is on its way back and should be here by the end of next week. It looks like our departure date may be next weekend at the latest – touchwood!

A Regatta Race

There was fun for all at the CYC Regatta on the weekend. We trialed the new Go – Pro taped to the top of our Cherub’s mast. The result was simply amazing. We had Gratis up on the slip for hull cleaning, spot anti – fouling and adjusting the prop yesterday.

Out to Catch a Fish or Two

My parents are up and we are enjoying some relaxing moments exploring the region with them. Sunday saw us heading out in Gratis to a spot favoured by the Carnarvonites and this was the result. Three ‘big Mammas’ in the bag! Dad caught his first ever edible salt water fish and these were the largest […]

Bowsprit Strengthener Installed

What a perfect evening! Gentle breeze, dolphins hunting, fish a leaping, egrets feeding. Water ‘cold’, but refreshing for swimming in. The strengthener for the bowsprit is now installed. A good day’s work.

Time is Racing!

Yesterday I learnt how to change the spark plugs on Little G2’s outboard. Bob has the new wind generator, which provides twice the number of amps, up and running. It’s been a day of washing and indoor boat cleaning for myself.

The Making of Perfect Yacht Tender

New page on the blog. Making the Perfect Yacht Tender

Boat Preparations

Bob was up the mast this morning reattaching the repaired wind vane, changing the light globes to LED and carrying out a check of all attachments as he went. Items are gradually being stored away, and I commenced making the first of our snacks for the journey to Cocos Keeling.

Cruisers on the Move

The cyclone season has drawn to a close and the cruisers are on the move!!! A mass exodus occurred this morning as several of our new found friends departed Carnarvon and headed northward bound.

Preps for the Ocean Journey

After a sunny start to the day, the air is muggy, sky overcast and rain intermittent. The helm station is almost completely oiled, the food list well under way and Bob has worked on some of the welding.

Rain Heralds the Storm

Rain, soft and gentle, a calming patter during the early hours. However, now arrives the wind with a roar! It can be heard rushing in for miles.