A relaxed day with a delightful wander through the old town of Bautzen. Whilst the upper town has been well restored, it was in the lower section at the base of the old fortification wall that we delighted in.
This wall mural was so lifelike. ‘To our amazement, we actually caught sight one of these elusive Kingfishers flittering along the riverbanks below.
The decorations upon doors
and in windows were many and varied.
There was even an occasional sight to be found upon the rooves.
The cobble stoned streets and alley ways were narrow,
and we soon came to realise how much renovation –
or rebuilding –
was still required in order to bring this lower section up to its former glory.
Coming to the end of this section, the four of us came to the section of river where the Hammermühle had once sat. Today, only a few parts and the name scribed on old mill building remained.
In the car once more, to the upper section of the ancient town we motored. Here were built the old palace (which is today a museum), and
the ruins of the abbey
with its adjoining cemetery.
Old towers,
barns where the horse troughs and tethering rings still remained, and more were sighted as we four ambled along the cobbled streets trodden by thousands of feet over time.