Awaawaroa Bay to Waiiti Bay (dinghy)
This morning Bob took me around to Waiiti Bay and I alighted with camera in hand: The aim? A few hours spent in bliss bird watching!
Loaded with camera and the largest telephoto I currently own (300mm equivalent) up the hill I climbed. A short distance in, my destination of a peaceful section of creek bed in which tiny puddles lay had been attained.
Settling upon the bank, I settled down to wait.
the rare Kakariki and introduced Australian Rosella
and North Island Saddleback
teased as their noisiest of wings let you know when they flew past.
Resting upon the branches within the trees, they took a peek – curious critters they are – then zoomed off. I was close to getting the chance of achieving some pretty good shots when a walker or two passed: that was the end of that!
Oh, for that telephoto lens I am waiting to purchase as part of the new camera kit! These would have to suffice for now.
It was the tiny birds that played today. Grey robins,
black and white Tomtits,
Silver Eyes,
and Fantails braved this gigantic stranger in their midst.
The Tomtits and the fantails loved their baths.
Sadly, the kiwi didn’t play – no longer thirsty as a result f the drought back to his night ways went he.
The hours rapidly passed in this relaxing paradise and I lapped this rare moment up.
Kakariki Red Crowned Parakeets