How different could two days be!!!
It was an awakening to 8 knots of breeze and 77nm miles remaining: dead seabirds laying upon the sea’s surface avid reminders of yesterday’s tempest.
So near, yet so far, Good old Murphy was at it again. No wind saw Gratis wallowing as she loped through the glassy oil like swells at 2 knots of speed: No Cocos arrival today with this rate.
One positive, an easterly ‘breeze’ had enabled Bob to turn our girl’s bow onto a direct line for our destination.
Mid – morning: no wind, sails furled and engine on; frustration plus!!
Prior to departing Carnarvon, capsicum and corn had been vacuum bagged and placed in the forward lazarette. Sadly, this particular day we discovered the bags blown to gigantic proportions: a pinprick would have sent the contents exploding outwards like vivid fireworks, only with an odious aroma to match. Taking great care, the bags were carried deck side. Held well out from the hull, the food remains – in some cases pulpy liquid – were emptied into the great deep. Lesson learnt: all vacuum bagged vegie requires refrigeration.
Day’s end: 37nm remained and the dream still felt surreal!