We were on a mission this particular morning.

After the heavier seas that caused water to enter through the open pilot house windows, in conjunction with a boat in which no air filtered through thereafter, mould once more reared its ugly head and commenced sprouting. With a bout of asthma resulting and a nose highly attuned to the smell, it wasn’t long before we discovered the hideous monster to be not only growing upon the ceiling, but also hidden upon the blinds and within the window compartments.

Out came the tea tree oil and rag. Through Big G we searched with a fine tooth comb, dousing walls, ceilings, blinds, nooks and crannies alike with the oil. At last Gratis smelt fresh and new once more.

As the day progressed, seas became ever calmer. Windows finally reopened throughout allowing air to flow through once more.

Ships were crisscrossing in all directions, often with five at a time showing upon the monitor. ‘No rest for the wicked’.

A good day’s work as a double batch of bread rolls were at last removed from the oven and enough fried noodles to cover two lunch meals cooked upon the stove top. This was the first leg on which we had cooked more than snack meals.
