Upon rising this particular morning, to the SE the view was of a dark line storm cloud stretching NE across the sky. Already the seas were altering from glassy to rippled, warning of the incoming wind.

Sailor’s motto: ‘be prepared!!’

Out Bob and I trundled. Gennie sheet released to reduce sail; furling line winched in; aft pole line released, the bow guy line tightened, pole topping lift raised; Gennie winched firmly into shape; bow, then aft guy lines readjusted.

Desiring to further increase our distance travelled westwards, with the aim of reducing the effects of the predicted storm front travelling past below us, on went the engine. The bonus of this was the charging of the batteries which were depleted thanks to lack of sunlit days.

Plotting our position upon the chart this particular morning, thanks to the overnight winds, we were ahead of our predicted position by approximately 40%: what elation!!

Midday saw Bob relaxing and reading upon the port side cockpit seat, whilst I, lapping up the warmth of the sun, reclined back opposite. Gratis ploughing into the now higher waters, saw our pleasure come to an abrupt end as a breaking wave hit the port side hull at just the right angle. With a massive splash, the ricocheting water spurted against the windows before continuing on into the cockpit. A now so not happy Bob, along with the port side bunk (thanks to the window being open a smidgeon), were saturated with seawater. Window closed, a dry rag soaked the water from the bunk, whilst I found another set of clothing for Bob. Lesson learnt: the window on the windward side must be closed unless the sea is really truly calm.


Wind: 22 – 28 knots

Boat speed: 5.5 – 7.6 knots