Rain and thunderstorms overnight. Two days of 30+ and humidity had come to an end as thunderstorms passed in the distance and gentle rain fell upon us.
Decision made this morning. A 20km motor to Les Roches de Condrieu where a relaxing couple of days would be spent. Ɛ22 per night for water, power, laundry and showers: not bad.
Interest for the day: passing a loading dock.
A wander through this beautiful town took us to its small lake which is situated just past the port. A motorised ski jump area provided entertainment for those who chose to either rest upon the lawns or dine at the restaurant. Bob and I chose the restaurant. The food was divine and the entertainment provided a good laugh as beginners attempted to learn the art of water boarding.
Two hours or so later, off we meandered to enjoy an afternoon of lethargic recline.