A foggy start to the day!

What an easy morning. 5km/hr permitted, we moseyed down the canal.

Mostly surrounded by farmland, it was a most peaceful setting

where an occasional person or two were to be seen.

Bob and I had now truly entered Ost Friesland, home of the Frisian Cow!

For the bird lovers, a new one to identify…….

And a few of these flighty fellas.

Along the way, it possible to see these people enjoy resting upon the bank of their waterway.

Borrsumer, our last schleuse for a few days!! With no radio number, this was a phone call job. Less than a minute and in we went. A bit of a surprise was this lock, being two locks in one. On the northern side of the eastern lock was a lifting platform, whilst in the western schleuse, sliding poles were inset on both sides of the wall.

A friendly lock keeper who loved a chat, and another easy lift as the waters rose a small 2.5m.

Our stay this time is at Emder Yachtservice. With trains passing, it’s a little noisy during the day, but when one spends most of their time off the boat, it’s not a worry.