Happy Easter to all
Up early yesterday. The earth moved as we motored Gratis out of the berth for the first time since early November last year. In a first, with just a gentle breeze, I felt confident enough to reverse our girl out. With a pre – discussion regarding how to undertake the manoeuvre and the occasional guidance, the procedure occurred without incident. We are now anchored in the Fascine and loving it: the new Sarca has dug in well!
How often one speaks too soon!!!!!!
We dragged: with a number of boats in the deeper section of the bowl we were unable to lay the usual amount of scope. A mooring became free and we made the decision to place Gratis on it – peace of mind and it also means we are able to relax much more.
Last night Bob and I borrowed a car and headed out to the dish. I had fun playing with the camera: