What a day!!! Yacht Club, round the blue boat opposite the township, to port of Wallaby, up the Fascine to Pelican Point. Wraps on board Spindrift, then the guys lined up for race number two which took them out of the channel. Bob and Bennie crossed the line first in a close run race.

A quick break, then back into the Cherubs we bounded. Three minute start to the two Brians, followed two minutes later by Wolf, Dianne, Anne and Cliff. The finish of the third minute saw Bob and I heading off. David followed some time later on his windrush. In a close run final race, it was the low tide sand banks who had the last laugh as first the Brians, then the rest of us found ourselves running bow first into them as we crossed the finish line!!!!


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Dinghies all in a row

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Pelican Point

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Readying for the Race into the Bay

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Ready, Set, Go

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First across the line, Bennie and Bob

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Closely followed by Wolf and Dianne

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All safely returned without drama

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We even tried using the panoramic setting on the Nikon 1AW1: still a bit of work to get this under control. This is a beaut little camera for anyone who is looking for a small compact unit that can be manually operated. With an adaptor that one can purchase, it is even possible to use the regular Nikon lenses on it.