

RMS St Helena comes to the island once a month and brings with her passengers and the island’s food supplies. This will end with the opening of the airport.

Cruising Yacht:

Moorings are available, thereby providing security against the anchor dragging in that is deep water and rolling conditions wherein the boat is constantly rotating.


Commencing around April/May of 2016, current plans are for a one day per week Saturday flight by Comair  to and from the island, departing from Johannesburg, South Africa, costing a current $1148.12AUD for a return trip (British company, Atlantic Star, will be offering charter flights). Small B&Bs are the tourist’s current accommodation means upon St Helena, but even those days are becoming numbered as the construction of a 32 room hotel is in the planning stages. For people wanting to experience exploring this island before it’s brought into the 21st century, time is running out (the same is for the island of Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean).



Mobile phone service became available in September, 2015:

Internet: For the short stay tourist this is an expensive exercise. Requiring a telephone account, which isn’t viable for the short term, one is left with purchasing access from the few Internet Kiosks – pricewise, it’s ouch!! Connection is also frustratingly slow for those of us used to the faster speeds.

Accommodation: Bed and Breakfasts

ATM and EFTPOS/Credit Card facilities: NOTE these are not available here


For the cruising yacht:

Diesel: Purchased from ‘Solomon and Company whose office is situated in a blue building on the left hand side of the wharf. (tel: +290 2030 or email: or Michael on +290 22030


Tourism Centre

Straight up the main street, the tourism office is positioned at the top and can’t be missed.

All tours and car hire are booked here.

Our advice is, if possible, to pre – book your hire car for the vehicles are difficult to come by.

Information leaflets and books may be procured from here.


Horizons Ltd: Accommodation and Tours

Patrick and Pamela Young

Ph: +290 20431 or 22887

E:   or


The Inkwell

Continuing up past the bank, you will find The Inkwell on the right hand side of the road next to the Grocery shop.

Upon entering the building, a passage way will lead you into the heart of this airy, yet with a warm and cosy feel.