Category Archive

Durban to Cape Town Now Online

You can now read about our legs from Durban to Cape Town. For ease, click the link below.     Images are available in the shop for purchase: If there are any that you would like and they are not there, please don’t hesitate to contact us in order to purchase a copy.

St Lucia Wetlands, Bayete Zulu Elephant Interaction, Imfolozie Game Park, Richards Bay to Durban, and Ushaka Marine World Online

  We now have St Lucia Wetlands, Bayete Zulu Elephant Interaction, Imfolozie Game Park, Richards Bay to Durban, and Ushaka Marine World online. Some of the boat work images are also up. The links are:


Here was a town on its downward spiral. The waterfront of dilapidated buildings fallen into disrepair, where only the poorer citizens now resided. A once thriving metropolis, more businesses were closed than open. The boating industry itself, was just surviving, with most business owners downsizing. Several we spoke to were making as much as they […]

Ushaka Marine World

Yesterday saw us catch a taxi to the Ushaka Marine World. Here one could meander along the promenade exploring the shops and partaking of a meal. A Wet and Wild theme park was perfect for those seeking relief from the humidity and heat or just looking for sheer excitement. No, we two didn’t venture in […]

Preparations for rounding the Cape of Good Hope

This day, the wind howled as a high rushed in. Eventually dying, all calmed and the poured down whilst a small show of thunder and lightning accompanied it in its passing by. A day in which a spaghetti sauce and Rum slice were prepared; the twins having been repaired, raised, refurled and lowered in preparation for the next leg; […]

Ushaka Marine World

Today saw us catch a taxi to Ushaka Marine World. Here one could meander along the promenade exploring the shops and partaking of a meal. A Wet and Wild theme park was perfect for those seeking relief from the humidity and heat or just looking for sheer excitement. No, we two didn’t venture in that direction. […]

Richards Bay to Durban

Exquisite weather, a midnight departure and the speed of the infamous Agulhas Current ( all worked in our favour as, after a three month sabbatical, we commenced our journey southward: Europe bound.