Click to view the map showing our trip through Canal du Midi to Sicily.
Breakfast completed, we loaded Little G2 with a picnic lunch and camera kit. Heading westward we explored the shoreline. With frequent showers falling, it sadly meant my D700 had to remain in the case and I had to be happy using the 1AW1. From the water it is possible to see how rugged Rodrigues is: […]
France There are a few more images to be placed on the Abbey page tomorrow. Cocos Keeling
The last of our Indian Ocean Crossings have now been placed on board. We will now commence adding the excursions we took whilst on the Cocos Keeling, Rodrigues, Mauritius and Reunion
Our Cocos Keeling to Rodrigues journey is on board at last: Check out the recipes we made along the way:
A busy day as preparations for departure commenced. Boat washed inside and out, bread cooked, Rum Slice made, washing completed, Gratis packed. The replacement parts for the Gennie should have arrived. Bob up top impatiently awaiting, as everyone stops work at 4pm here – only 10 minutes to go. Adendum to that: they are arriving […]
Our first day of true exploration. Keeping to the coast road we discovered what a stunning island this is! The rainy season still to announce its arrival, the rugged dry brown slopes of the north reminded us so much of our homeland. Ravines, deep gaping channels created from years of volcanic reaction and weathering of […]
As with our previous sojourns, whilst on the final approach, overnight the winds died and ranged between 6 – 8 knots whilst Gratis’ speed died from sixes through to eights down to a measly three and four. At this snail paced speed, it would be 20:00 before arrival and a closed port would mean a […]
Light winds, sunny skies, fair weather predicted for the sail, after an enjoyable three weeks of exploration we departed Mauritius for Reunion. A typical shuffle of the Sri Lankan fishing fleet was occurring as we motored over to Customs. It was like watching a water ballet. Paperwork signed – thankfully not the rigmarole encountered […]
This sail was a short uneventful one day hop. It was a matter of checking the weather and timing our arrival in Mauritius for early morning. Land fall took place in Port Louis at 10:00am. Images taken as we entered the harbour. Everywhere one looked, were row upon row of Taiwanese fishing boats.
After a slow start to the day, it was a short trip out during the afternoon. This time, we returned to the first area visited last Friday. It was so enjoyable just taking things slowly and enjoying the scenery. At Grand Baie river entrance the tide was out and shells in pristine condition lay upon the […]
Today we have rediscovered what it means to feel the cold. Soon after departing for what was to be the day’s excursion, down came the rain and fog. Believing it would soon dissipate, we continued on our way. Three hours later, drenched and cold, saw the intrepid duo returning home. That rain has continued into […]
We hired the scooter for the week. After a morning of rain, lunch time saw the skies clearing and we headed for the Francois Leguat Tortoise Park. Once rife with tortoises do thick that one often had to jump from the back of tortoise to another in order to make any progress forward, these incredible creatures and […]
Water always finds its way in. During the trip here, water had entered through the galley window and leeched into the bilge compartment containing most of the canned foods. This particular afternoon saw me removing the cans and placing them in the sun to dry. Bob, meanwhile, chlorinated then used the vacuum cleaner to remove […]
In a quick turn around, the ship departed today. It was possible for us to return to our place alongside the dock.
It was like stepping back in time by 30+ years. We loved the colours in Port Mathurin.
07:39, 39nm remained of our longest sailing leg to date and after two days of busy shipping lane we were on our own once more. The calmer waters provided the opportunity to empty and clean the fridge, dust, vacuum and wash the floors. Top hatches opened at long last, fresh air streamed through our girl. […]
Winds so light by now that the twins were raised and set on the port side as a second Gennie. With each passing day, the seas became ever flatter: now they were a gentle rolling ripple. Only a few are privileged to view the Indian Ocean in this state. How fortunate we were! Heavy low […]