Category Archive

Bike ride to Zottegem and the Provincial Archaeological Museum, Velzeke:Belgium Bike ride to Zottegem and the Provincial Archaeological Museum, Velzeke:Belgium

Another beautiful bike ride through Belgian farming country led us from Geraardsbergen to first the township of Zottegem, then on to the museum in Velzeke. There was just one word to describe this museum: sensational!!!! Covering a time period from 300,000BC to the present, the past was brought to life via a variety of mediums. […]

The Muur (Wall), Geraadsbergen: Belgium The Muur (Wall), Geraadsbergen: Belgium

Today we undertook the bike ride up the Muur (wall of Geraadsbergen) which led us up Oudenburg hill that overlooks the township. Commencing near the Dender, with a length of 1,075 metres one finds themselves steering the bike up a steep – at times 20% – incline on which lay cobblestones set horizontally: this was […]

Geraadsbergen, Belgium Geraadsbergen, Belgium

Bob and I were thanking our lucky stars that we had the electrics today, for it would have been hard yakka with our old bikes. Set high upon a hilltop, the old town square of Geraardsbergen with its impressive church and town hall is quite a sight. The church was pretty impressive, to0. We loved […]

Dendermonde to Ath by train Dendermonde to Ath by train

This morning Bob and I caught the train to Ath in order to check out the viability of continuing first along the Dender then the Blaton – Ath canal: the section of canal we were concerned about was that between Geraardsbergen and Ath. Up until today, however, no two pieces of information were the same, […]